Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
7299 National Income Tax Magazine 8755-2248 Commerce Clearing House
9392 World Trade Law Journal 1057-1132 Commerce Clearing House
6703 Labor Law Journal 0023-6586 Commerce Clearing House Inc
8791 Taxes 0040-0181 Commerce Clearing House, Inc
8789 The Tax Magazine 8755-2221 Commerce Clearing House, Inc
4036 Commercial Law Journal -Chicago Il 0010-3055 Commercial Law League of America
4086 Competition & Consumer Law Journal 1039-5598 Commercial Product Manager, Butterworth
119069 Etudes & Documents 2102-4723 Commissariat général au développement durable
20105 Chocs 1157-741X Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA) / DAM
37370 Clefs CEA 0298-6248 Commissariat à l'énergie atomique, Département des relations publiques et de la communication
114600 Liturgie 1147-1115 Commission Francophone Cistercienne (CFC)
111676 Géotransports Commission de Géographie des Transports
135529 Cadran Info Commission des Cadrans Solaires
138977 Histoire et archéologie du Pas-de-Calais : Bulletin de la Commission départementale d'Histoire et d'archéologie du Pas-de-Calais 1273-3563 Commission départementale d'Histoire et d'Archéologie du Pas-de-Calais
142932 Chronique d'histoire maritime 0243-6671 Commission française d'histoire maritime ; Société française d'histoire maritime
181800 TANGRAM Commission fédérale Suisse contre le racisme
181799 TANGRAM – Bulletin de la Commission fédérale Suisse contre le racisme Commission fédérale contre le racisme
25859 Bulletin de la Commission historique du Nord Commission historique du Nord
152542 Revue de Corée 0251-2416 Commission nationale coréenne pour l'UNESCO
4715 Europe -Washington 0191-4545 Commission of the European Communities
2621 Adult Basic Education 1052-231X Commission on Adult Basic Education
3928 Christian Scholar 0361-8234 Commission on Christian Higher Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America
139119 Geodesy and Cartography 2080-6736 Commitee on Geodesy of the Polish Academy of Sciences
621 CODATA Data Science Journal 1683-1470 Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA)
649765 Advances in Geodesy and Geoinformation 2720-7242 Committee on Geodesy of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAS)
4040 Commodities Magazine 0279-5590 Commodities Magazine, Inc
4041 Common Cause Magazine 0884-6537 Common Cause
813883 Revista Internacional de Humanidades 2253-6825 Common Ground
108051 Revista internacional sobre Diversidad e Identidad en la Educación 2386-9135 Common Ground España
39393 International Journal of Diversity in Organizations, Communities and Nations 1447-9532 Common Ground Publishing
39401 International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability 1832-2077 Common Ground Publishing
39412 International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management 1447-9575 Common Ground Publishing
39415 International Journal of Learning 1447-9494 Common Ground Publishing
39446 International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society 1832-3669 Common Ground Publishing
39447 International Journal of the Book 1447-9516 Common Ground Publishing
39449 International Journal of the Humanities 1447-9508 Common Ground Publishing
169309 The International Journal of Educational Organization and Leadership 2329-1656 Common Ground Publishing
165849 The International Journal of Critical Cultural Studies 2327-0055 Common Ground Research Networks
115576 The International Journal of Social, Political and Community Agendas in the Arts 2326-9960 Common Ground Research Networks
178713 The International Journal of Sport and Society 2152-7857 Common Ground Research Networks
4044 Commonweal 0010-3330 Commonweal Foundation
3794 Canadian Sailings 0821-5944 Commonwealth Business Media
4881 Florida Shipper 0884-8548 Commonwealth Business Media, Inc
5091 Gulf Shipper 1086-1807 Commonwealth Business Media, Inc
7664 Pacific Shipper 0030-8900 Commonwealth Business Media, Inc
8471 Shipping Digest 0037-3893 Commonwealth Business Media, Inc
14301 International Forestry Review 1465-5489 Commonwealth Forestry Association
102627 Vie Eudiste 2119-4041 Communauté Jean Eudes
115076 Mikhtav Hadash 2417-159X Communauté Juive Massorti de Paris (CJMP) Adath Shalom
123502 Le Bo numéro - Le Bel Ordinaire numéro 2268-347X Communauté d'agglomération Pau-Pyrénées